Accessibility declaration

Declaration of accessibility of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

The West Pomeranian University of Technology undertakes to ensure accessibility of its website pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities. This declaration of accessibility applies to the website of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.

  • Website publication date: 2009-01-01
  • Last significant update: 2019-12-06
Status in terms of compliance with the law

The website is partially compliant with the Act on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities due to the incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.

Preparation of the declaration of accessibility
  • Declaration issue date: 2019-12-09
  • Declaration last reviewed and updated on: 2024-08-07

This declaration was issued based on self-evaluation.

Standard keyboard shortcuts may be used on the website.

Feedback and contact data.
  • In case of problems with website availability, please contact us. The contact person is Paweł Kaczmarek, Contact by phone is also possible at 91 449 58 00. In the same way you may request unavailable information and complain about lack of availability.

Everyone has the right to request digital availability of a website, mobile application or any of their elements. You may also request information to be made available through an alternative means of access, for example, by reading a digitally unavailable document, describing the content of a film without audio description, etc. The request should include the person making the request, indication of the webpage or mobile application the request is for and the method of contact. If the person requesting the information requests an alternative means of access, he or she should also specify a convenient way of presenting the information. The public entity should execute the request immediately, not later than within 7 days from the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the public entity shall immediately inform the requesting person when the execution of the request will be possible, but this deadline shall not be longer than 2 months from the date of filing the request. If digital accessibility is not possible, a public entity may offer an alternative way of accessing information. Where a public entity refuses to comply with a request for accessibility or an alternative means of accessing information, the requesting person may lodge a complaint about the accessibility of a digital website, mobile application or element of a website or mobile application. Once the above mentioned procedure is exhausted, you may also apply to the Commissioner for Human Rights.

E-Deanery system
IRK- Internet Recruitment of Candidates system
Architectural accessibility
Mobile applications