
42 Piastów Avenue, 71-065 Szczecin

Tel. 91 434-30-86, fax: 449-46-36 91,

e-mail: wtiich@zut.edu.pl




Courses of studies

Chemistry, Chemical Technology, Chemical and Process Engineering, Environmental  Protection, Nanotechnology


Postgraduate studies

Analysis in environmental protection; Postgraduate studies in teaching chemistry


Doctoral studies in scientific fields:

Chemical engineering and chemical technology


Main research directions

  1. Catalytic processes, catalysts and photocatalysts
  2. Modern membrane separation techniques
  3. New technologies (including biotechnology) and upgrading of chemical technology processes
  4. Research on unit operations in chemical engineering
  5. Environmental Protection processes
  6. Parametric optimization of technological processes
  7. New technologies for chemical compounds making
  8. Neural networks application
  9. Polymer technologies (biopolymers and biomaterials included)
  10. Composites and glues
  11. Synthesis of organic compound technologies
  12. Research on organic compound synthesis, reaction mechanisms, physical chemistry, and biological activity.
  13. Synthesis and research into new materials with potential nonlinear optical properties (nlo)
  14. Physico-chemical basis of technological processes and environmental protection
  15. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials
  16. Research into pigments
  17. Protection of air fragrance quality 
  18. Deodorisation
  19. Research into odour recognition thresholds related to gas compounds and mixtures
  20. New technologies to introduce the compounds with a particular biological impact
  21. Formulations of cosmetics and auxiliaries
  22. Search for new oxide materials with interesting catalytic, electrical, magnetic and optical features


Cooperation with industry and business


  • Production of environmentally-safe synthetic fertilizers, waste and sewage management - "Police" Chemical Plant SA
  • production of environmentally safe fertilizers - Azoty Group of "Police" Chemical Plant SA
  • water and wastewater treatment based on membrane, photocatalytic and adsorption techniques - Nawirem-Sigma Firm
  • waste-free and environmentally-friendly production technologies of oxides, glycols, epichlorohydrin and organic monomers - "Zachem" Chemical Plant 
  • waste, by-products and waste from technological processes management - Azoty Group of "Police" Chemical Plant SA
  • by-products from the production of titanium dioxide management - "Police" Chemical Plant SA
  • physicochemical tests of semi-coke - Polchar sp. z o.o. Ltd. Co Police
  • modification of montmorillonites for  production of paints and plastics – ZĘBIEC Company
  • improvement of  laminate quality - cooperation with the yacht industry
  • research into the modification of technological processes - "Police" Chemical Plant SA
  • graphene multifunctional biosensor for medical diagnosis - "Meditest Medical Diagnostics“ Non-public Health Care Centre,  NZOZ Jacek Podolski, Szczecin
  • photocatalytic paint production - "PIGMENT", general partnership Jan Bielak, Robert Bielak, Szczecin
  • assessment of the olfactory impact on the existing or planned undertakings – cooperation  with industry and state institutions
  • assessment of  deodorization  effectiveness - cooperation with industry
  • olfactory comparative study of odor nuisance of  materials/raw materials - cooperation with industry
  • air pollution olfactory study - cooperation with industry